Dutch masters
Turf Pro incorporating Service Dealer
Scott MacCallum travelled to the Netherlands to visit two companies whose product Campey Turf Care has brought into its portfolio.
On the face of it similarities may bedifficult to detect but there is actuallya close link between the late EnglandFootball Manager, Bobby Robson, andRichard Campey, founder and ownerof Campey Turf Care Systems.
In the late ’70s Bobby Robsontransformed his Ipswich Town teamfrom one of England’s better teamsinto one of the top teams in Europe,culminating in the winning of theUEFA Cup in 1981. He did so thanksto the enlightened signing of twoDutchmen, Arnold Muhren and FransThyssen, whose continental talents –rare in English football in those days– gave Ipswich that little somethingextra.
Richard Campey also made twoenlightened Dutch signings whenhe added Imants and Vredo to hisstable of fine turf and agriculturalmachinery manufacturers, whoseproduct he sells throughout the world.
The top of the range equipment hasensured that many sports clubs, anda growing number of contractors andfarms, now have machinery whichhas been supplied to them by CampeyTurf Care Systems.Imants and Vredo are similarlysized companies, each with just under50 employees, who excel in producingwell engineered solutions to specificturf related issues…